
Monday 28 January 2019

Riddle Of The Day!

Hi bloggers, today's riddle's is super simple. Answers will be announced in my next post. Comment down below what you think.

Easy riddle's 

1. What gets wet while it's drying?
2. What can go up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up?
3. What comes down but never goes up?

Medium riddle's
1. What 5 letter word typed in all capital letters can be read the same upside down?
2. What question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct?
3. What word contains all of the twenty six letters?

Hard riddle's
1. You can carry it everywhere you go, and it does not get heavy. What is it?
2. Name an eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end.
3. There was a man who was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. Yet, there was nothing wrong with what he had done. Why?

Thursday 17 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey : The Final Post!

Hi bloggers, i have attended the summer learning journey 2018 - 2019. Here are my activity's.   

Activity 3: Concluding the Journey [10 points]
What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey programme this year?
I have learn't a lot of things. But the one that stood out well for me at least was that New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia. I found that shocking. i didn't know that at all.  
What is one thing that surprised you?
That a Sea Turtle lives for 80 years. I didn't know that a turtles lifespan can last that long! 
What is one thing that concerned or upset you?
The thing that upset me was that Summer Learning Journey is over! 
What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 

Thanks For Reading (Special Thanks To Summer Learning Journey Team Members)

Summer Learning Journey : Week 4 Protect and Preserve : Day 5: The Sky’s the Limit!

Hi bloggers, i have attended the summer learning journey 2018 - 2019. Here are my activity's.   

Activity 1: Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution [4 points] (To see the questions go on the summer learning journey site).
Here are 3 ways me and you can save and help our planet. Are you in? Firstly you could spread the word and try and convince people like i am now to recycle and look after our  environment. The first strategy is reduce reuse recycle. If you reduce, reuse and recycle our environment will be more healthy and reusing also means we won't have things going to waste. Secondly you should NEVER litter. Littering is something a lot of humans do. I litter sometimes myself too but lately i have been trying not too. Littering damages the environment believe it or not sometimes littering can cause pollution which is not good. Last but not least littering causes diseases, and start germs (spreading). Comment down below what if you think also spread the world. LETS SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT! 

Activity 2: Adoption Day [4 points]
The three animals i have chosen is a Loggerhead Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle and a Sea Turtle . To be honest this task is actually really hard as they don't have many similarities. So in that case i'll start off with their differences. If you are lost/confused i will be listing  similarities about these creatures and differences. The first difference is a Loggerhead Turtle is mainly found on beaches from Greece to Turkey and Israel to Libra. Where as a Hawksbill Turtle in tropical oceans and coral reefs. A Sea Turtle Hatch ling is found in any kind of beaches all around the world including Hawaii (etc..). Another difference is Loggerhead Turtle usually last 50 or more years but a Hawksbill Turtle lives up to 30 to 50 years and shockingly a Sea Turtle lives for 80 years! Wow!

A similarity about these animals is that their class name is a Reptile. Another similar thing about these creatures are that they are all carnivores a carnivore is a creature that eats meat a Omnivorous is something eats meat and plants.

Thanks For Reading (Special Thanks To Summer Learning Journey Team Members)

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey : Week 4 Protect and Preserve : Day 4: Making Promises

Hi bloggers, i have attended the summer learning journey 2018 - 2019. Here are my activity's.   

Activity 1: Campaigning for Conservation [4 points] (To see the questions go on the summer learning journey site).
Treat it and feed it! 
The campaign i chose was Native Wildlife. I chose this campaign because i love out wildlife a lot and care.

Activity 2: The Plastic Pledge [4 points]
So i asked my older sister and here's what she had to say "i think that its a great idea because plastic is ruining the environment cause its killing different types of animals around the world and its polluting our oceans and it's also  sometimes leads to diseases . 

Activity 3: Restricted Access [10 points]
 In my own words i think it is fair because the Machu Picchu is a wonderful place and i don't think it deserves to be damaged by humans trekking around the place what do you think? 

Thanks For Reading (Special Thanks To Summer Learning Journey Team Members)

Friday 11 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey : Week 4 Protect and Preserve : Day 3: Taking Action

Hi bloggers, i have attended the summer learning journey 2018 - 2019. Here are my activity's.   

Activity 1: Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms [4 points] (To see the questions go on the summer learning journey site).
I have chosen the Cacophony Project because...
I believe that Grant Ryan is a inventor so i think that he is actually really smart and he would be perfect for the job. He's also trying to spread the word and show others what they can do. And he first created a plan and tried his plan in his backyard and if it works he could go into the wildlife.

Activity 2: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction? [4 points]
 1. Māui and Hector's are the only dolphins with a well-rounded black dorsal fin
2. Māui dolphin can 'see' with sound
3. They produce just one calf every 2 - 4 years, making population increase a really slow process
True or false?  I will put 4 facts down below 1 is  true and 3 are false. Comment down below which is true and which is false.

  • Females have their first calf (baby) around the age from 7 - 9 years of age.
  • Females grow to 1.5 m long and weigh up to 26 kg.
  • They only live up to 30 years.
  • Maui dolphins die from rats.
Activity 3: The Power of Ten [10 points]
I could only think of 5 sorry
 1. Elephants - They've been living on earth for centuries/years
2. Maui dolphins - Their are only 63 Maui dolphins left on earth
3. Amur Leopard - Their are only 70 that exists today it is also hunted and killed for it's fur
4. Tiger - Tigers have been hunted distinctive patterned fur
5. Rhino - Three of 5 species of Rhino's are alive

Thanks For Reading (Special Thanks To Summer Learning Journey Team Members)

Thursday 10 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey : Week 4 Protect and Preserve : Day 2: Protecting Our Own

Hi bloggers, i have attended the summer learning journey 2018 - 2019. Here are my activity's.  

Today is my birthday so i did not want to miss a day so i asked my parents if i can do work. 

Activity 1: A Flying Fox [4 points] (To see the questions go on the summer learning journey site).
If i had the chance to go zip lining in Rotorua i think i would be a little anxious and nervous but also excited, i also think i might scream then when i get off i'm like "that wasn't that scary" and want to go again. I also think i'd feel regret and my legs would be shaking . . . but in the end be like that was worth it! 

Activity 2: A Protective Plant [4 points]
So i actually have a lot of plants. My favourite plant  is my Cyclamen plant but it is not edible. But i am growing a Kale plant. 
1. Apple tree
2. Feijoa tree
3. Lettuce
4. Strawberry plant
5. Carrots
6. Lemon fruit
7. Watermelon?
8. Tomatoes
9. Onion
10. Pepper

Activity 3: A House is Not a Home [10 points]
I have chosen the "Sustainable Lansan Project". I have chosen this project because it has been interesting and i believe it is made to save trees and without trees we won't be  able to breathe.

Thanks For Reading (Special Thanks To Summer Learning Journey Team Members)